Deer Hunting Tips: The Best Ways To Do Hunting

It is one thing to have a bow and a gun for hunting a deer, and it is another thing to accurately shoot the deer and get back home with some meat.

So, you have to be equipped even with the knowledge of getting a deer so that you apply the guns and bow in the right direction.

It will be embarrassing and tiresome to miss your targets all the time while in the field hunting a deer.

​Even as we will expound on the best deer hunting tips, do not forget that you have to see the deer before shooting it.

This is essential because you can be the best shooter in the world even when it comes to hunting but so much time as you do not see a deer, you will not get one.

On the other side of the balance, you could be one of the worst shooters in the world, but you shoot the buck because all that you do is to point this animal you have seen and fire it.

Therefore, what tips must you have so as to get a deer anytime you leave the field for hunting? Let’s kick off!

6 Tips You Should Know About Hunting Deer

1. Make A List And Consider Using A Tote

It might be a hard time for you when the hunting seasons rolls again, and you cannot trace all your hunting equipment.

You might have placed your gun, bow, hand warmers, drag rope,boning knife, field dressing gloves and other essentials that you might need, but when you look for them during hunting, you find some have ‘found they're out’ of the tote.

In this case, what will you do? Relax. Have a list of all the equipment you use for hunting, and with this checklist, it will easy to know which tools are not in place before you go out next time.

Also, consider checking the tools earlier enough! So when hunting season rolls again, just use the checklist to pack all your hunts, and you will never be a frantic search for your knife or ammo on the hunting morning.

2. Use The Wind All The Time

Many of the bow hunters take wind seriously, but the gun hunters ignorantly do this.

If you have a gun and you are hunting from a given stand, set the gun in a way that you are downwind or at crosswind of where you are expecting to see the deer.

Please still-hunt into the wind. For your information, on a windy day, you can walk up on a bedded deer.

Also through driving upward while hunting on a windy day, the animal might smell the standers and then they will circle back towards the driver.

3. Be Careful Of  Your Smell Or Stinking Up The Woods

Deer will feel you from a far distance even before they see you.

Natural orders like those of the trees and their environment do not alarm them, but your smell which is a human smell will frighten them every time.

So you have to eliminate your scent so that you reduce the chances of spooking a buck before you can shoot. But, how can you do this?

  • Consider showering with unscented soap before you head for hunting. For instance, you can use unscented deodorant and try to avoid an aftershave or cologne by all means.
  • Keep the hunting clothes in the tote or any plastic bag that you have, with some dirt or leaves from the place you are hunting.
  • In the case the hunting clothes have been washed or dry-cleaned, please hang them outside so that they air out before you head for hunting.
  • Do not place the hunting boots or jackets somewhere like a garage where they might pick up some telltale odors.
  • Consider walking in a cow manure or some deer dropping on your way to the hunting stand.

4. Just Hunt A Small Area

A hunter who only knows one or two deer spots will end up killing more buck than the other hunter who wants to roam over a wide location during hunting.

Just pick a small location, approximately 50 to 80 acres and then scout it so as to learn the deer bed, where they usually feed and the travel routes that they often use.

Make a good mental note of their food source, trail, ridge and their escape routes, and you will be the luckiest hunter.

Avoid large are off hunting because you might not be able to aim the deer and you might come back home regretting.

In case you are hunting in between the big woods, you should not consider covering the whole of it. Just concentrate on some travel corridor.

5. Skip Lunch

It might be interesting to tell you that when you have left for hunting, do not break for lunch.

This is a healthy tip, and once you try it out, you will attest to me. Sit tight more so during the noon hours and the cold days, the times that most deer hunters will be leaving for lunch or warm up.

Dress warm using the hand warmers and have your packed lunch with you. The moving hunters, as they move, they will push the deer to the people who wait, and here will be your fortune – you might enjoy great meat at this time.

6. Try To Come To Your Senses

Your eyes, your ears, and even your nose will work in helping you when you seek to detect a deer.

You cannot look for a whole deer which is silhouetted against the sky, but you can watch for the movement and then stay slow as you wait for the circulation of the legs.

Your ears will help you when it comes to listening to many sounds in the fall woods. For instance, a shrieking Jay may mean that a deer is coming and you have to set the tools ready.

So learn to distinguish the hop of a squirrel from the step-step of a deer and the scratch-scratch of a turkey while in the woods.

Believe it or not, you might smell a deer even before you see it, and especially a deer that has been chasing and rutting.

For this reason, try all the time to approach it from downwind, and you will notice how far you can smell the deer.

Remember that your hunting starts the moment you step out of your vehicle into the deer’s environment.

So keep all your senses tuned to the surrounding, and you will do the hunting better than before.

Protips: deer’s abilities

Just like any other animal, a deer also has senses. So your responsibility and role are to try hard to beat these defenses so as to be successful.

Deer’s eyesight

Your deer will see you clearly, and more when you are putting on something colorful as an orange color.

So be careful to wear dull colors when going for hunting Deer have the eyes on the side of the head hence they can view you an angle of 310 degrees.

Therefore, it will be difficult for the buck to focus on one point, so to your advantage, you have sat somewhere where the trees and brush break up your good outline but be able to make a clean shot.

Deer have excellent night vision, and they are very active at night, and especially in the dawn hours and at dusk.

Because you cannot hunt at night, so you have to get up as early as possible and also leave as late as possible from the hunting field.

Deer And Sound

Deer have proved to have an excellent sense of hearing, and because of their muscles, they can turn their ears in any direction without moving the head.

Deer can hear humans from a far distance, more so when it is a non-windy day. Hunting, therefore, might be annoying because you will spend a lot of time sitting there but do not lose hope because they will come back and you have to maintain your posture and be quiet.

Avoid a lot of noise when setting your sitting arrangements. Set the arrangement two days before the hunting day. Have more than one sitting spot.


You are now knowledgeable to walk into the deer habitat and come back home with a large amount of meat.

The only things you have not to forget are that: deer is a keen animal, when it comes to hearing, smelling and seeing. So be determined and cautious to beat these defenses.

All the buck hunting tips we have discussed will make you the best hunter next time. All the best as you plan your next hunt with these tips!

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Kristopher M. Samson

"Hello ! My name is Kristopher M. Samson .I'm a firefighter. I love my job and hunting sport. For me , hunting is a sport good for my health . It help me relax after job time"

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